Hypnotherapy NLP Online 

To create the same comfortable professional environment online, I have developed a few specific 'set up' elements since adding the online space to my locations for my Hypnotherapy, NLP, and Trauma therapy practice.  Online therapy is one of the fastest growing ways for people to connect with therapists all over the world.  

It now couldn't be simpler to benefit from Hypnotherapy, NLP or the modern psychological techniques I use, from the comfort of your own home or private office.

With over 20 years experience as a Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Trainer, I've worked with clients from all over the world.  Just a few places that spring to mind include; Northern Ireland, Isle of Wight, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Dubai, New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Italy, Vietnam, Thailand, Greece, Spain and Jamaica.

Therapy online is the fastest growing way to treat all manner of mental ailments PLUS is already very popular for Coaching & Mindset Improvements!

When we take the Enhanced Life Practice online, you'll get to work with me directly, face to face in a replica situation of how we'd work together in person.  

Hypnotherapy NLP online work so well.

We don't avoid any of the techniques because every single one I'm trained and experienced in using ~ works well in the online way (with a few edits and tweaks to account for the potential for a drop off in connection)

You will meet me in the online room at the time of your appointment.

English Hypnotherapist NLP Practitioner online

Simplifying Online Hypnotherapy & NLP Sessions

It really is extremely simple to use and I use Zoom which is a completely free application for you to download.

I'll guide you step by step through everything you need to know and do prior to our session.

When you get in touch to schedule your appointment, I'll send you a link to our online calendar (screenshot above).  That allows for timezone differences to be calculated automatically plus sets reminder emails to come out when you need them.

You'll get a special link to our private session, we lock the session once we're both settled and that makes our work together, just as private as if we were working in he same room.

  • Get in touch using the form below to express your interest in the online sessions.
  • I'll reply to your initial message with a telephone call for your initial consultation.  You can optionally add the consultation time to your first official session.
  • In your free consultation you can ask me anything about Hypnotherapy and / or NLP online, enquire about specifics regarding your reason for contact, we can assess your current status, your goals and determine the best program to elicit the results you want.
  • I'll then send you the link for the 'full session' calendar plus your specific program information including payment information, your program meditation/ hypnosis or affirmations recording recommendations plus anything else we've discussed in the consultation.
  • The calendar will automatically update to your timezone and is set to send out automated reminders with the online private session room link.
  • As soon as your investment is paid (usually bank transfer), your sessions are secure.  From there on, it's all about meeting (usually weekly) at the times you've secured for your sessions.

Senior Advanced Trained Hypnotherapist

As a Senior Hypnotherapist, you can be confident I have a long history of helping people in achieving their professional goals plus personal development.

Hypnotherapy and NLP are incredibly effective tools to bring about positive change, enhancing life, building confidence, habit resolution and ultimately creating the life you desire.

When working online, there are a few specific protocols to follow to ensure we remain connected even if we become temporarily disconnected online.

You can begin your lifestyle upgrade immediately simply by listening to Enhanced Life professional guided meditations and hypnosis audios.

These are found on the paid membership Substack where you'll find the complimentary guided meditation.

All program recordings are designed to compliment & add to your 1:1 sessions.  For under £5 per month, you get access to all existing audios, plus those added weekly.

I use a mix of Coaching, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Meditation and other advanced techniques.  

You will enjoy many benefits when you arrange your initial consultation, which is totally free and includes the benefit of an optional free meditation recording to download today.

When you meet me now you'll get to know how I work, what my experiences are and how I can help you to begin enhancing your life - today!

Over many years I've collected feedback and reviews of my Hypnotherapy NLP online practices and the positive outcomes my clients have enjoyed.  I've worked with clients from hotel rooms, their offices, open offices (not advised for some techniques), parks, bedrooms, home offices and the even the lounge.  Here's an example of one I hadn't expected.

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You Can Book Your Online Hypnotherapy & NLP Sessions Today

At the Enhanced Life Practice, we adopt a mindset of doing what is right for you, which is a mix of Hypnotherapy, NLP and other advanced proven techniques.   Specialising in Trauma, Anxiety, Fears and childhood issues.

You will enjoy many benefits when you arrange your initial consultation, which is totally free and includes the benefit of a free relaxing guided recording to download today.

Meet Leah now and get to know how she works, what her experiences are and how she can help you to begin enhancing your life - today!

Brief Sample of Our Professional Services

  • Hypnotherapy

  • NLP

  • EMDR

  • Havening

  • Coaching

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the combination of Hypnosis (relaxed focus) with therapeutic techniques that allow for rapid change to occur.  Focused attention provides an opportunity for the treatment to positively affect the client in resolution of their medical or psychological concern.  Popularized by 17th and 18th century psychologists such as James Braid and Milton H. Erickson.  Read More

Get instant access to your free complimentary guided meditation!

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Get in Touch ~ Ask me Anything!

You can of course simply message me a basic question to answer over email.  Alternatively providing your best contact number, we can schedule your Free Consultation call to discuss your wants. Let me know a preferred time to call eg Morning, Afternoon, Evening and I'll do my best to fit in around your times.

*At Enhanced Life Practice, we adhere to strict protocols and ethics.  In accordance with our value system we ask our new clients to note that outcomes of sessions cannot be guaranteed for everyone. Results are likely to vary as no two people's lives, beliefs and unconscious responses are the same.