What is Havening?

Havening is a relatively new technique, compared to some methods that Trauma, Anxiety and PTSD specialists use to elicit the desired states and mindset required to reprogram the mind and release trauma.

It was first developed by Dr Ronald Ruden who was later joined by his brother Dr Steven Ruden and they both became immersed in the study and development of the technique.

It comes under the umbrella of 'psychosensory' techniques, that being those that work neurobiologically with the brain via specific touch points on the body, delivered in a specific way.

Havening was first born out of a fascination that the Dr's had about the efficacy of Tapping techniques such as TFT (Thought Field Therapy) and it's cousin EFT.

Having met Paul Mckenna who shared the successes he was having using tapping methods, Dr Ruden began to explore this himself and what followed was a deep dive into the world of psychosensory and meridian techniques, some with many years of scientific study behind them, such as EMDR.

Amygdala Depotentiation Therapy

The main reason the therapy has been named 'Havening' is because it's clinical name is a bit of a mouthful.  As the technique is designed to trigger the 'safe state' (safe haven) required to release the right chemistry in the brain to allow the memory to potentiate, it seemed appropriate to name it thus.

And ... the Havening touch which is a necessary component of activating the 'delta' brain wave activity that leads to the memory release, can be done by the client or the practitioner.

The more experienced your Practitioner in other trauma therapies, the more reliably you'll see positive and swift results.

Havening Touch Explained

The physical touch (by the Practitioner or the Client) on the parts of the body focused upon in Havening sessions include:

  • the arms
  • the face
  • the palms of the hands

It seems obvious upon reflection, that a newborn cannot possibly communicate using language, they are programmed to understand they are safe through touch.  Therefore it is considered likely that the senses in the parts of the body utilsed in the Havening session, are those sensitized to touch as a signal of security.  These signals bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the unconscious and activate the parasympathetic nervous systems ... rest and digest.

The Benefits of Havening

The benefits of Havening are becoming clearer with more and more practitioners using the techniques with clients and witnessing powerful results in a number of conditions..

  • PTSD treated effectively and painlessly as the client has no need to recall every moment of the trigger event.
  • Experts in unconscious brain activity weave Hypnosis, NLP and other techniques into the session.
  • At Enhanced Life Practice we've seen dramatic and powerful lasting results in clients with lifelong Phobias that other treatments did not cure.
  • Deliberate distraction enables the brain to almost trick itself into releasing the chemicals that had previously 'cemented' the traumatic memory in position.
  • Traumatic memories can be removed in a single session with additional sessions working through any related material the neural networks have connected.
  • There are a number of additional applications using the Havening model that reduce Stress, Anxiety & other negative programs.
  • It's easy to learn as a practical self help tool.
  • Havening is a great tool to help young people and teens to overcome trauma and anxieties.

Havening To Release Trauma 

As a Senior Advanced Trained Behaviour Analyst, you can be assured you are in safe hands.  At Enhanced Life Practice, Havening is a welcome addition to our practical tool kit.  I learned a great deal from working with Paul Mckenna at his live events.  At first some of the meridian/psychosensory techniques appeared far fetched, which is why when I began to introduce this technique, I called for volunteers and gave a reduction on the session fee in order to test it's efficacy first hand for myself.

I am very happy I added this to my toolbox of techniques.

Paul Mckenna on BBC News Havening  

Havening is a practical and safe method for working with clients who've suffered Trauma or have deeply embedded fears and anxieties.

Neural Networks Enable Greater Change

As the networks of memories connect in the brain, so they are reflected in the unconscious.  We have found in our practice, that any related experiences surface and can easily be resolved at the same time or in subsequent sessions.

Delta Brain Wave Activity

Delta brain wave activity is slower than our conscious brain activity and the communication with the brain is that you are 'safe'.  

This is why activating the memory is the first step, followed swiftly by your expert guide in distraction methods to recode the memory.

Eye movements are also added, as are counting, humming and guided visualisations (often meaningful when you work with an experienced therapist).

These brain activities help to change the brains electrical and chemical actions and therefore, remove the charge associated with the initial trauma.

The Purpose Of Trauma

Traumatisation is a natural process designed to protect human beings from further harm.

The brain encodes memories in order that they remain as 'sentries' watching for any triggers that could signal impending danger and threats to life.

However in our society today, the degree of fear is rarely useful and serves only to continue triggering overpowering fear and anxiety.

Dissolve Trauma when you activate the safety mechanisms required for memory to be stored without extreme fear!

Activate the nervous system

Trigger the senses to relax the systems.

havening for trauma

Delta wave activity enables the memory to release and be 'filed' away with all other memories.  You will not forget the experience but you will no longer suffer intolerable triggers of overpowering anxiety and Fight Flight Freeze reactions.

In effect - you regain control!

What Our Clients Say ...

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You Can Book Your Havening Sessions Today

At the Enhanced Life Practice, we adopt a mindset of doing what is right for you, which is a mix of Hypnotherapy, NLP with Havening and other advanced proven techniques.  

You will enjoy many benefits when you arrange your initial consultation, which is totally free and includes the benefit of a free relaxing guided recording to download today.

Meet Leah now and get to know how she works, what her experiences are and how she can help you to begin enhancing your life - today!

Brief Sample of Our Professional Services

  • Hypnotherapy

  • NLP

  • EMDR

  • Havening

  • Coaching

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the combination of Hypnosis (relaxed focus) with therapeutic techniques that allow for rapid change to occur.  Focused attention provides an opportunity for the treatment to positively affect the client in resolution of their medical or psychological concern.  Popularized by 17th and 18th century psychologists such as James Braid and Milton H. Erickson.  Read More

Get instant access to your free complimentary guided meditation!

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Get in Touch ~ Ask me Anything!

You can of course simply message me a basic question to answer over email.  Alternatively providing your best contact number, we can schedule your Free Consultation call to discuss your wants. Let me know a preferred time to call eg Morning, Afternoon, Evening and I'll do my best to fit in around your times.

*At Enhanced Life Practice, we adhere to strict protocols and ethics.  In accordance with our value system we ask our new clients to note that outcomes of sessions cannot be guaranteed for everyone. Results are likely to vary as no two people's lives, beliefs and unconscious responses are the same.