Harley Street Hypnotherapy 

Hypnotherapy in Harley Street London is a popular search on Google.  The therapy has grown and grown in both popularity aswell as in research.  

Evidence of the many powerful benefits of using Hypnotherapy, in our case in conjunction with other proven methods, is added to the medical and science based journals on a weekly basis.

With over 20 years experience as a Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, we've seen many changes to the popularity of this model for change to enhance life, improve sporting prowess, reduce stress, eliminate anxiety and positively adopt new behaviours and habits.

Harley Street London is the medical, health & wellness centre for London & has been for over 100 years!

Our location for the Enhanced Life Practice in Harley Street, London, is easy to access from many tube and bus routes.

Below is a map to our Hypnotherapy Harley Street London location.

The building is comprised of many rooms and is connected 1-7 Harley Street, West London W1G 9QD.  Our room is private, quiet and comfortable.

1 Harley Street London

Booking Your Harley Street Hypnotherapy Appointment

When you get in touch, we'll discuss the next available appointment to suit you at our Harley Street London location and just as soon as you decide the program that works for you, an email will explain the next steps.

To ensure the booking process is simplified, we provide an easy step by step guide for covering your investment, securing your session times and the benefits you are entitled to: such as complimentary consultation PLUS a unique Hypnotherapy or Meditation recording that will be specific to your goals.

Professional Female Hypnotherapist Harley Street

Your Senior Hypnotherapy practitioner Leah Butler-Smith has a long history of helping people in both their professional goals, sporting goals and life change or improvements.

Both Hypnotherapy and NLP are incredibly effective tools to bringing about positive change, enhancing life, building confidence, habit resolution and creating the life you desire.

We use a mix of Hypnotherapy, NLP and other advanced techniques.  

You will enjoy many benefits when you arrange your initial consultation, which is totally free and includes the benefit of an optional free hypnosis recording to download today.

When you meet Leah now you'll get to know how she works, what her experiences are and how she can help you to begin enhancing your life - today!

Over many years we've collected feedback and reviews of our practices and the positive outcomes our clients have enjoyed.  Here's an example.

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You Can Book Your Hypnotherapy Sessions Today

At the Enhanced Life Practice, we adopt a mindset of doing what is right for you, which is a mix of Hypnotherapy, NLP and other advanced proven techniques.  

You will enjoy many benefits when you arrange your initial consultation, which is totally free and includes the benefit of a free relaxing guided recording to download today.

Meet Leah now and get to know how she works, what her experiences are and how she can help you to begin enhancing your life - today!

Brief Sample of Our Professional Services

  • Hypnotherapy

  • NLP

  • EMDR

  • Havening

  • Coaching

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the combination of Hypnosis (relaxed focus) with therapeutic techniques that allow for rapid change to occur.  Focused attention provides an opportunity for the treatment to positively affect the client in resolution of their medical or psychological concern.  Popularized by 17th and 18th century psychologists such as James Braid and Milton H. Erickson.  Read More

Get instant access to your free complimentary guided meditation!

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Get in Touch ~ Ask me Anything!

You can of course simply message me a basic question to answer over email.  Alternatively providing your best contact number, we can schedule your Free Consultation call to discuss your wants. Let me know a preferred time to call eg Morning, Afternoon, Evening and I'll do my best to fit in around your times.

*At Enhanced Life Practice, we adhere to strict protocols and ethics.  In accordance with our value system we ask our new clients to note that outcomes of sessions cannot be guaranteed for everyone. Results are likely to vary as no two people's lives, beliefs and unconscious responses are the same.